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Curriculum vitae

Tourism studies and sustainability science MSc

Independent consultant, reviewer & proofreader


I have led and assisted several research projects in different parts of Iceland and in the north of Sweden. During my master's studies at Lund University, I gained skills to further develop my specialized background in tourism development and sustainability and have become a part of international networks.Through my work with both academic and applied projects, I have developed a passion for reviewing peers’ work. Reviewing is a great opportunity to contribute to the quality of scientific work while also staying up to date on research. I also believe that interdisciplinary review is fruitful for most research.

Language skills:

Icelandic (native language), Swedish (fluent), English (fluent), Danish (good), Norwegian (good), Spanish (good), French (basic).


Computer skills: MS Office, SPSS, ArcGIS, HTML, CLD, VensimPLE, STELLA



Systems dynamics, systems analysis

Sustainability indicators

Public participation

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Participatory / Public participation GIS (P / PPGIS)

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)





2014 - 2018 Ph.D. candidate Tourism Studies at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland. Research: The Role of Tourism in Sustainable Development of Rural Northern European Periphery Communities.


2012 M.Sc. Lund University Master’s program in Environmental Studies and Sustainability science (LUMES). Thesis: Work creates Community. The Role of Tourism Activities in Sustainable Management of Common Pool Resources in a Northern European Periphery Community in Sweden


2012 Distance learning courses as a part of Lund University Master’s program in Geographical Information Systems (LUMA-GIS)


2009 Internship and course. Global Influence (Global Påverkan) – Three-month internship in Peru and a three-month internship in North Sweden, both within the subject of tourism development.  Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.


2008 Swedish course SFSA05-08 Svenska som främmande språk. Behörighetsgivande Svenska B. Lund University


2007 B.Sc. in Tourism Studies. The University of Iceland. Thesis: Environmental management in the Icelandic tourism industry.


2006 Exchange program in geography and environmental studies. Bishop’s University, Quebec, Canada.


2004 English and literature courses. University of South Florida, Tampa


2001 Spanish course. Don Quijote language school, Salamanca, Spain.


1999 – 2003 High school with a major in languages. Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð, Reykjavík, Iceland


Work experience


2012 – ongoing: Self-employed in consultancy Tourism & Sustainability Research.


2011 - 2012 Assistant to research in tourism studies on issues in Vatnajökull National Park. The University of Iceland.

Reference: Rannveig Ólafsdóttir (e-mail:


2009 – 2011 Reception and service. The Train hostel Vandrahemmet Tåget, Lund, Sweden. Reference: Kjell Gibe (tel. 0708354572)

2009 Research responsible: Evaluating the effects of building an aluminum smelter at Bakki, Iceland on tourism and recreation. The Icelandic Tourism Research Center, the University of Iceland and Mannvit Consulting Engineers


2007 – 2008 Research responsible: Evaluating the effects of building a hydroelectric power plant at Hagavatn, Iceland on tourism and recreation. The Icelandic Tourism Research Center, the University of Iceland and Mannvit Consulting Engineers.


2007 Research projects in Iceland and in Scotland supported by the Northern Environment for Sustainable Tourism (NEST) project, a trans-national project part-financed by the Interreg IIIB Northern Periphery Programme (NPP) during the period of 2005 -2007.


2006 – 2007 Statistics Iceland: Data collection


2005 – 2006 Café barista at Kaffitár, Coffee shop and gourmet café, Reykjavík, Iceland


2004 Database registration. The Icelandic Traffic Agency

Other merits


2014 – ongoing: Board member in my housing association, HSB brf Myntet Stora Fiskaregatan, Lund


2009 – 2011 Active in Hållbart Universitet, Lund University for Sustainability


2007 – 2008 Voluntary work in Fair Trade boutique. Swedish Organisation for Individual Relief Individuell Människohjälp, Lund


2006 – 2007 Chairman of Fjallið, The student association for geology, geography and tourism studies at the University of Iceland.


2006 – 2007 Board of editors for the student paper at University of Iceland, Stúdentablaðið





2017 – 2018 Grant from the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020 through participation in the BuSK project (Building Knowledge for creating and developing sustainable community economies). 


2016 – 2017 Grant from The Tourism Task Force, an agreement made between the Icelandic government, the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities, and the Icelandic Travel Industry Association for the years 2015 – 2020.


2015  Travelling grants from University of Iceland


2015  EEA grant on mutual cooperation in research between Centre for Environmental Issues, Charles University, Prague and faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Univerity of Iceland


2015 Scholarship from Helge Ax:son Johnsons foundation for conducting fieldwork


2007 Scholarship Nýsköpunarsjóður námsmanna, The Icelandic Student Innovation Found


2007 Scholarship from The University of Iceland Assistant Found.

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