Barnaheill - Save the children
Updated October 2020
Translation of information booklet for a cooperative project between the Icelandic organization Barnaheill - Save the children and the Swedish organisation KSAN/WOCAD, Women's Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues.
Miðstöð hönnunar, Umhverfisstofnun, and Orkustofnun
Updated July 2020
Translation of press releases and review of the website Sustainable Tourism in the North - A cooperation between the Environmental Agency of Iceland, Iceland Design Centre, and the National Energy Authority of Iceland.
"The development of sustainable tourism defines one of the focus areas of Iceland's presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2019. In that context, a number of projects are emerging through collaboration between the Nordic countries under the headlines Design in Nature, Clean Energy, and Nature Conservation. The Environmental Agency of Iceland, Iceland Design Centre, and the National Energy Authority of Iceland manage the projects in collaboration with Nordic partners."
See the project website here.

Norges Klima- og miljødepartement

HappySelf Ltd
Updated May 2020
Translation and review of various reports for the Ministry of Climate and Environment in Norway.
"Urbanization is one of the key challenges the Nordic region faces in its transition to a green economy. In 2017 the Nordic Council of Ministers launched the project "Attractive towns. Green redevelopment and competitiveness in Nordic urban regions. Towns that provide a good life for all". 18 small and medium-sized towns from the Nordic countries participated in the project that lasted for three years."
See the project website here.
Proofreading and peer-reviewing
Updated September 2018
I have done manuscript reviews by request from respected journals in my field, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and Science of the Total Environment. The manuscripts I have reviewed so far are about sustainability indicators for tourism, which has become my field of expertise. I have a passion for reviewing peers’ work and through that obtain an opportunity to improve the quality of scientific work. I am especially enthusiastic about the correct use of concepts and accurate translation in academic writing. I also believe that interdisciplinary review is fruitful for most research.I also proofread papers for undergraduate and graduate students.
Mannvit Engineers
Updated July 2018
Impact of building a highland visitor center in Kerlingarfjöll on tourism and recreation. Evaluation of stakeholder’s perspectives. [Áhrif uppbyggingar hálendismiðstöðvar í Kerlingarfjöllum á ferðamennsku. Viðhorf hagsmunaaðila ferðamennsku.]
Published 2018 by Tourism & Sustainability Research
The project is finished and has been officially published by the national planning authorities as a part of an ongoing EIA process. Click on the image to the left to access the pdf.
Kristín Rut Kristjánsdóttir is the sole author of this report, which serves as a consultation to an EIA process managed by Mannvit Engineers on behalf of Fannborg tourism company in Kerlingarfjöll, Iceland. She wrote the report, designed the methodology and analyzed the results. Mannvit took care of the fieldwork and collection of data in Kerlingarfjöll. Kristín also reviewed parts of the text in the EIA report.

Center for Environmental issues, Charles University, Prague CZ
Finished 2018
EEA grant on mutual cooperation in research
In spring 2015 we received a grant to establish mutual cooperation in research in the Czech Republic and in Iceland. The formal project began with a work meeting and fieldwork in CZ in autumn 2016. A case study has been written: Systematic and PPGIS approaches to developing and evaluating Integrative Sustainability indicators in ecologically sensitive areas. The case of Prášily in Šumava national park CZ. There is an interest in writing an academic paper as well.
Visit the website for the center for more details on the project:
Kristín Rut Kristjánsdóttir was contracted as a leading researcher with a three-person team from the University of Iceland. She was active in fieldwork, public participation meeting, presentations, and writing of the report as well as conducting a workshop on sustainability indicators for graduate students at the department in Prague.
Suðurorka energy & Mannvit engineers
Updated 2015
Impact of building a hydroelectric plant, Búlandsvirkjun, on tourism and recreation. Evaluation of stakeholder’s perspectives. [Áhrif Búlandsvirkjunar á ferðamennsku - Mat á viðhorfi hagsmunaaðila ferðamennsku.] Published 2013 by Suðurorka Energy and Tourism & Sustainability Research
The report was published in 2013 but could not be made officially available to the public until 2015 due to ongoing EIA process. Now it is available, click on the image to the left to access the pdf. The research focuses on the perspective of tourism stakeholders that would be affected by the building of the power plant, the stakeholder groups in this research were tourist hosts, recreational organizations, local governmental employees, and employees of the national park adjacent to the building site. The aim of the research was to i) assess the value of the area for tourism; ii) assess the impact the intended buildings and construction on tourism in the area, and; iii) assess the impact it would have on tourism if no changes were made to the area (so-called 0-option).
Kristín Rut Kristjánsdóttir is the sole author of this report, which serves as a consultation to an EIA process managed by Mannvit Engineers on behalf of Suðurorka Energy, Iceland. She wrote the report, designed the methodology, took care of the fieldwork and collection of data on-site, and analyzed the results.